Copyright 2003, LRTMC

We are a social club with members in and around Brisbane, Australia. The club was established in 1987. We’re into day rides, weekend trips and rallies, getting drunk, falling down, and generally having a damn good time. We currently have around thirty members who ride all kinds of bikes, and are all ages. Another popular activity amongst some of us is home brewing, most of it is pretty good too. We are a casual lot, we’re not much into having heaps of rules or anything. We do however, believe in a bit of common sense. We do not ride after drinking, and would not allow our fellow members to try such foolishness. This is why we like rallies so much, you don’t have to ride home till the next day! Basically, we try to look out for each other.

The clubs major event each year is the hosting of the IMBIL RALLY each November, always a great weekend, click the link for more details. Some pictures from past rallies can be found on the PICTURES page.

For information on bike events happening around our part of the world be sure to check the EVENTS page before you leave. You can contact any of our members from the OUR MEMBERS page, you can even chat to them using ICQ if you see they are on-line, but don’t expect too much in the way of sparkling conversation. We’re rarely sober and even when we are, most of us can’t type to save ourselves.

Club Meetings
Club meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at the Richlands Tavern, Government Road, Richlands (in the bistro). The exception is January when there is no meeting. The dates may vary due to public holidays etc, check the events page before rolling up. Meetings are supposed to start at 7pm, but we’ve never started on time yet (its a proud record!). You can roll up anytime after 6pm and grab a meal with us. Visitors are welcome.

Joining the Club

Our standard procedure with people who still want to join the club even after meeting us is to question their sanity! Potential new members spend three months riding with us, drinking with us, and hopefully having a bloody good time with us. At the end of this if they still want to join and we want to have them, they’re in (poor sods). This may sound pretty formal and heavy but its really not like that at all. The whole idea is to make sure the club is what the person is looking for, and for us to see if they are our kind of deviate. This way nobody forks over membership fees until they know for sure that the club suits them. By the way, our annual fee for membership is a whopping $15. There is an additional $10 fee when you join which gets you a club T-shirt and a sticker for your bike.

Our Committee

President: Mark            Treasurer:    Peter         Secretary: Evalyn

We hold our Annual General Meeting each April. Committee members are elected at this meeting and are stuck in the job for the next year.

Our snail mail address is; LRTMC, PO Box 880, Browns Plains. Qld 4118.